Kontraktet har tvingat oss att hålla tyst men nu får jag äntligen lov att släppa nyheten att vi ska spela spela på North Sea Jazz festival i Rotterdam 8:e juli!

Det blir en dryg timmes konsert med Erdem Helvacıoğlu and Per Boysen Duo och vi kommer att framföra en ny version av hela vårt album Sub City 2064. Jag gillar verkligen den här duon jag har tillsammans med Erdem, vi kan gotta oss i detaljerad elektronisk ljuddesign och samtidigt spela improviserat utan skyddsnät. Med en större grupp skulle det kanske inte fungera lika bra. Vi blandar mellan skrivna partier och fri improvisation, interaktiv elektronik, slumpgenererad elektronik och de elektriska instrumenten gitarrviol och Chapman Stick. Klicka gärna på länken och kolla in festivalens program för alla tre dagarna.

Äh… nu orkar jag inte översätta mer utan klipper in resten nedan från den engelskspråkiga versionen. Beträffande den nya bandlösa harpgitarren kommer jag ändå snart att publicera en särskild artikel med video.

At NSJ in Rotterdam I will be playing the Grand Chapman Stick with electronics extension. That will happen on July 8 but much earlier than so another big thing is about to rock my world; I just got word from Japan that my new fretless electric harp guitar is about to ship! Designed by the the great Tim Donahue himself that has been playing this wonderful instrument since 1984. Myself, I ruined my first electric guitar in 1978 by defretting it in a clumsy way. Since then I have defretted two more guitars “clumsy but good enough” searching for that special sound I keep hearing in my head from my future self – hopelully I will get there soon. Over time I came to realize that a good fretless really has to be built from the ground up as a fretless and I tried to buy a Vigier Sufragette from France. Luckily they never answered my emails and it turned out I got a Stick instead and stayed with my old clumsily defretted fretless guitar wrecks. By playing the Chapman Stick for two years I learned how much more fun it can be to use both your hands independently. Playing two-handed opened up a lot of new musical inspiration, I became able to enter poly rhythm territories traditionally dominated by instruments like the piano, harp and drum kit. So when I heard that Tim Donahue is starting up manufacturing of his harp guitar I just had to get one! A really good fretless guitar for tapping plus six harp strings for plucking by the other hand, all in the same instrument and instantly playable!

A closed corporate Stick concert is coming up in late May and in June it’s time for the the Blekinge Jazz & World Music Camp. I just finished the second post production media music album for AMG Scandinavia and will now put more time into mixing the second album with The Erdem Helvacıoğlu and Per Boysen Duo. BTW, the TogaMan GuitarViol Erdem plays is also a fantastic instrument. TogaMan and Stick is such a perfect sonic match! Last piece of news is that I’m about to play in London on October 2 (harp guitar and interactive electronics).

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